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Little Women Trailer Review

It is well known that i am die hard fan of the classic novel Little Women. It is also well known that i love Harry Potter and Emma Watson. SO when Sony dropped the trailer i knew i had to write about it! I am so excited to see this film considering the cast they have lined up. They have not only Emma Watson playing the sophisticated older sister Meg and Timothe'e Chalamet as the kind next store neighbor but they have MERYL STREEP!! She has an amazing performance opportunity in this film that i am excited to see! She always is fully dedicated to her characters and this character in particular has a hard role. She breaks hearts, is stubborn, and complicated. Plus old. I think this cast can easily prove that they work well together. I want to see a sense of unity between the girls who are portraying the march sisters. I will have more articles to come about this movie. I hope it does the book and previous movie good. It in my mind has pretty huge heels to fill.

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