Review #1 "The Goonies"
80's movies are some of the best know movies .This film is one of the time honored 80's classic. I have grown up watching this movie with my mother. We even quote it on a daily basis. But i will say this movie has it's cons even for it's time. But there aren't a lot.
So let's get reviewing!
The movie was made in 1985. It has won over mine and many others' hearts. It is now 32 years old and is still making us laugh. The movie is so funny even after watching multiple times. Which is really cool on writer's part because it is very hard for me to find movies that make me laugh. I enjoy very clever and even sometimes dark humor. This movie really does transport you to the good old days with your friends. It makes me wish i grew up in the 80's with them as my friends. The characters have very unique and distinctive personalities. Which i enjoy in the movie because it is much easier to enjoy a movie when you don't have to worry about who is who? Two of my favorites in this movie was the character are Mouth and Sloth. Mouth is one of the boys and is one of the funniest characters in this movie. In one scene he has to translate for the maid and he tells her pretty much the exact opposite of what he should be. Corey Feldman who portrays this character is phenomenal. Sloth has one of many peoples favorite. Plus props to the make up artist who made his iconic look. I love this about older movies in general. Actors put on full on make up or there were robotic puppets playing the roles instead of special affects put in place. Sloth is treated pretty bad in the movie until he meet the lovable Chunk. They both share a love of Baby Ruth. It is for sure a heart warmer seeing Sloth get the family deserves. In conclusion this movie is a must see. Please try your best to watch movies like this and to any directors out there. MAKE MOVIES LIKE A GOONIE!