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ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow! Let me say how grateful I am for the opportunities and the community this website has given me in the past year. When starting this website I had the intention of just writing a couple articles then giving up. But, I've learned I enjoy writing and having conversations about movies and opinions. I have lots of plans for 2019 that I am really excited to share. One of plans is to upload every Thursday and do a bonus upload every other Sunday. I also want to start doing reviews on books, t.v shows, short films, productions ( such as school plays and musicals) and more. I want to give you guys ( the readers) more choices. I will on Wednesday nights be posting a poll on @reviewsbyaraven on Instagram about two items I can review. You guys will get to vote about what you want to read. You will still be given the opportunity to nominate yourself and others to be featured as Movie Watcher of the Month. You will have an article written about you or the person you nominated along with having your photo uploaded to our Instagram with a shoutout! I want to thank everyone again who has supported me and keeps supporting me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here's to more years to come!

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