Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet
I am a big fan of the first Wreck it Ralph. I loved the character dynamics, the puns, and most of all it has the best Disney princess of them all. So I was very excited to see what they would do with a sequel. This sequel definitely matched the original and was still special in it's own way. I love that they continued the characters story lines. I was concerned that they may forget about obvious things like two characters being married and also what happen between the time of the last film and know but they definitely cover it. Plus animation has come such a long way and this film shows it. The colors are more vibrant and you can see what different clothes would feel like which helps get the vibes of the characters. Plus the soundtrack is absolutely amazing. They gave Vanelope her own song! Which was the funniest and best thing I have ever seen! This movie was great to see with my family because it definitely had it's adult jokes in there while still being kid friendly like most Disney movies. This is one of the sequels you don't want to miss.